Siege Google Classroom Training
During our coaches meeting, our coaching staff expressed interest in using this time effectively. Obviously we cannot gather and practice but that did not stop us. We decided to create a Google Classroom for all of our families. Our coaching staff will post drills, tips, questions, quizzes, and other engaging material for families to practice while they are stuck at home! All drills and videos can, and should, be done at home individually or with a family member: remember social distancing guidelines!
The Google Classroom codes are posted below. All you have to do is click the button below or download the Google Classroom app, log in, and click “Join Class” and type the code in! Our coaches will begin posting this week!
Team Codes:
8U Class Code: gwwimrb 11U Class Code: dhvwqon
9U Class Code: x3jylqq 12U Class Code: bve2ju5
10U Class Code: 37lkiqj 13U Class Code: sqggt3e